Fixing CORS on nginx

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How to fix the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policy on myVesta on the nginx level

On SSH, logged in as root, do the following.

First, define your myVesta user and domain as a variable:

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Now you can copy-paste the following block:

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cd /home/$USER/conf/web
echo "add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin '*';" > snginx.$DOMAIN.conf
ln -s snginx.$DOMAIN.conf nginx.$DOMAIN.conf
systemctl restart nginx
Or, to allow specific domains/subdomains, run this:

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cd /home/$USER/conf/web
touch snginx.$DOMAIN.conf
echo "add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin '';" >> snginx.$DOMAIN.conf
echo "add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin '';" >> snginx.$DOMAIN.conf
echo "add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin '';" >> snginx.$DOMAIN.conf
ln -s snginx.$DOMAIN.conf nginx.$DOMAIN.conf
systemctl restart nginx
Here, you need to adjust, etc...
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