How to find a folder which consumes a large amount of memory

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In your SSH, as root, run:

Code: Select all

du --max-depth=1 -c -m -x /home/ | sort -n
1 /home/useracc1
1 /home/useracc2
2 /home/admin
97 /home/useracc3
613 /home/useracc4
955 /home/useracc5
4826 /home/useracc6
9771 /home/useracc7
39447 /home/webi
62948 /home/
62948 total
From this, we can see that /home/webi is the largest directory. Let's now inspect that deeper, by running next command:

Code: Select all

du --max-depth=1 -c -m -x /home/webi/ | sort -n
1 /home/webi/mail
1 /home/webi/tmp
2 /home/webi/conf
39434 /home/webi/web
39436 /home/webi/
39436 total
Proceeding further with inspecting directories:

Code: Select all

du --max-depth=1 -c -m -x /home/webi/web/ | sort -n
777 /home/webi/web/
868 /home/webi/web/
975 /home/webi/web/
32552 /home/webi/web/
39418 /home/webi/web/
39418 total
From the previous step, we see that / was the largest one, so the next step is to inspect that directory further:

Code: Select all

du --max-depth=1 -c -m -x /home/webi/web/ | sort -n
10 /home/webi/web/
40 /home/webi/web/
780 /home/webi/web/
32536 /home/webi/web/
32536 total
At the end, we see that largest files are stored in /public_html folder, and not in any further subdirectories.

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