SSL is active for sure, but your wordpress has 'http://' URL in it's database (instead of 'https://').
We have command
You can call it from SSH:
Code: Select all
sudo /usr/local/vesta/bin/v-migrate-site-to-https
and it will automatically replace to in your WordPress database.
That's it !
...but, if your WordPress is uploaded in subfolder, our script will not detect WordPress in subfolder.
However, you can do http to https replace manually, with wp-cli:
Code: Select all
sudo wget -nv -O /usr/local/bin/wp
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wp
USER='' # enter here hosting username
DOMAIN='' # enter here domain, without http://, https:// and without www.
alias php='php7.3' # change to desired php version
cd /home/$USER/web/$DOMAIN/public_html/
sudo -H -u$USER wp search-replace "http://$DOMAIN" "https://$DOMAIN" --precise --all-tables --skip-columns=guid
sudo -H -u$USER wp search-replace "http://www.$DOMAIN" "https://www.$DOMAIN" --precise --all-tables --skip-columns=guid
sudo -H -u$USER wp cache flush
service memcached restart
grep -rl "http://$DOMAIN" ./ | xargs sed -i "s#http://$DOMAIN#https://$DOMAIN#g"
grep -rl "http://www.$DOMAIN" ./ | xargs sed -i "s#http://www.$DOMAIN#https://www.$DOMAIN#g"