ClamAV (scan incoming emails against viruses, sometimes this service can take up to 2GB of RAM)
Code: Select all
systemctl stop clamav-daemon.service
systemctl disable clamav-daemon.service
systemctl stop clamav-freshclam.service
systemctl disable clamav-freshclam.service
sed -i "s/^CLAMD =/#CLAMD =/g" /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
systemctl restart exim4
Code: Select all
# on Debian >= 12
systemctl stop spamd.service
systemctl disable spamd.service
# on Debian < 12
systemctl stop spamassassin.service
systemctl disable spamassassin.service
sed -i "s/^SPAMASSASSIN =/#SPAMASSASSIN =/g" /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
sed -i "s/^SPAM_SCORE =/#SPAM_SCORE =/g" /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
systemctl restart exim4
Code: Select all
systemctl stop dovecot.service
systemctl stop dovecot.socket
systemctl disable dovecot.service
Code: Select all
systemctl stop proftpd.service
systemctl disable proftpd.service
Code: Select all
systemctl stop fail2ban.service
systemctl disable fail2ban.service
Disable Bind9 ONLY if you are using external DNS Nameservers (such as CloudFlare)
Code: Select all
systemctl stop bind9
systemctl disable bind9
Code: Select all
systemctl stop php8.2-fpm
systemctl disable php8.2-fpm